Saturday, 12 March 2016

Why It’s Never the Perfect Time to Travel

Why It’s Never the Perfect Time to Travel

taking the leapWith 2016 just beginning, many will be thinking of vacations and trips around the world. They’ll be pondering exotic locations and amazing adventures.
And then abandoning those dreams as rapidly as they were thought up.
Something will come up and plans will be put off until tomorrow as you wait for “the right time.” But, here is a secret: it will never be the right time to travel. You will always have some reason to stay at home. You always be able to find an excuse as to why today just isn’t the right day. But the idea that the stars will align and you’ll find the perfect day to step out of your door and into the world is a fantasy.
Today might not be the perfect day — but neither is tomorrow.
Tomorrow, there will still be bills to pay.
Tomorrow, there still won’t be enough money.
Tomorrow, there will still be someone’s wedding to attend or a birthday party to go to.
Tomorrow, there will still be planning to do.
Tomorrow, you still won’t know if you are making the right decision.
Tomorrow, you will still second-guess yourself.
Tomorrow, you’ll still find yourself putting off the preparation for one more day.
Tomorrow, you’ll find another excuse why you can’t go.
Tomorrow, people you know will still sow the seeds of doubt in your head.
Tomorrow, you’ll still worry about all the bad stuff that might happen to you.
Tomorrow, something else will come up.
Tomorrow will never be perfect.
When tomorrow does come, you’ll say to yourself, “Today isn’t the right day. Let’s try again tomorrow.”
But tomorrow will never come. Tomorrow will always be some vague day in the future.
And then one day you’ll find you’ve run out of tomorrows.
And you’ll be filled with nothing but sadness and regret.
So stop waiting.
Stop making excuses. Today is your day.
It’s never the right time to travel.
Forget about tomorrow.
Just go.
It’s a new year.
And it’s full of possibility.

1 comment:

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